SAT SEPT 14 · 7 - 9 PM
Adults & Teens · Interested in learning more about Code in the Dark and how to prepare for the competition? This prep session will get you ready for October!
Code in the Dark is a front-end (HTML, CSS) competition, originating from a small development group in Europe, where each contestant competes to implement a website design given only a screenshot. The catch is that no previews of the results are allowed during the implementation, and no measuring tools can be used. After 15 minutes, the results are viewed by everyone all at once, and the winner is decided by the audience.
This is a free event and open to the public. We want you to participate! This year's Spokane event is on Saturday, October 5th at the Montvale Event Center at 6pm.
Come to this prep session where you will learn more about Code in the Dark, how to set up your computer to practice from home ahead of time, and attempt some practice sessions from past years' events to test your skills against.
Bringing your own laptop is preferred so we can help you get it setup to practice at home. Let us know if you need a laptop to be provided as some will be available.