Drop in programs:

Request for proposals

Introduction & Background

Spark Central is accepting proposals in response to this Request for Proposal (this “RFP,” or this “Request for Proposal”) in order to provide quality Drop-In Programs (or DIP) at Spark Central. Our goals with providing Drop-In Programs are to:

  • Advance Spark Central’s mission. Spark Central’s mission is as follows:

    • Spark Central ignites the creativity, innovation, and imagination necessary for people to forge the path to their best future.

  • Ignite creative confidence, problem-solving & adaptability in program participants

  • Engage youth and families in hands-on creative activities

The objective of this Request for Proposal is to find up to three programs that will provide the best overall value to Spark Central. Criteria will form the basis of our award decision, as more fully described in the Evaluation Factors section of this Request for Proposal below.

Project Scope

Acceptance of the work is contingent on the following acceptance criteria :

  • The author of the proposal is willing to lead the program once per month for up to six sessions.

  • Duration of programming is between 1.5 and 3 hours per session; the minimum participation for individuals “dropping in” to achieve the program’s goals is between 40 minutes and 1 hour

  • The proposal has a described target audience that includes youth (individuals less than 18 years old) in some capacity and describes any other unifying characteristics of the target audience. The content of the proposed program can be communicated at a reading level appropriate to that target audience.

  • No more than 20%  of each session requires direct instruction, with the remaining 80% (or more) of the session reserved for practice, lab activities, or workshop.

  • Offers modifications to ensure everyone within the target audience is both able to participate and to be challenged.

    • NOTE: Program should be able to meet objectives every session for folks who are repeat participants AND first-time participants (for example, a program that focuses on writing could offer repeat participants a chance to refine and bring back their earlier works for continuous improvement while still enabling first-time participants to share new works).

  • End with something participants made that they can walk away with — whether it is a short story, paper circuit, digital work, or memorized poem, or a public, collaborative project where each participant contributes, like a performance, publication, or public display.

PURPOSE--Program participants should grow in the following areas over the course of the program: 

  • Creative Confidence:

    • Confidence in one’s ability to grow and learn new skills

    • A willingness to accept failure as part of their success

  • Problem Solving & Adaptability

    • Resilience to failure

    • Collaboration

    • Creative Problem-Solving

    • Valuing the wisdom of the community

  • Personal Aspirations

    • Strong sense of personal power and self-expression

    • Inspired to pursue a career or passion that fulfills them


Spark Central can provide a one-time stipend of up to $250 for an applicant whose program is selected.  In addition,  applicants should submit a list of supplies needed for six sessions of the program, with their anticipated market prices, which Spark Central would purchase if selected.

Submission Guidelines & Requirements

The following submission guidelines & requirements apply to this Request for Proposal:

  • Priority for proposals is given to West Central residents, black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC), LGBTQ+, and folks with disabilities, as long as the submission criteria are met (see below).

  • While this RFP is open to all levels of ability,  experience with youth and young adults is strongly preferred. Applicants may list up to three references who can verify such experience.

  • Applicants can submit only one program proposal. 

  • Submissions should fulfill the requirements listed in the Project Scope, include a  proposed schedule/outline (such as a lesson plan) and milestones/outcomes (may include an example of a finished product).

  •  Proposals must be received prior to 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time on June 30th to be considered.

  • Spark Central anticipates selecting at least three applicants to have more in-depth discussions with and will make an award to one or more of these applicants on July 15th.

Y N Requirement
Do you have a cover page including a summary of your proposed program and information about you?
Does the program have milestones/outcomes?
Have you described the target audience for your program, including an age range and any other relevant characteristics of the group?
Have you included your residency, BIPOC status, LGBTQA+ status, disability status, and contact information?
Do you have up to six planned sessions that both first-time and returning participants can enjoy?
Is each session between 1.5 and 3 hours long?
Can participants complete each session in 40 minutes to an hour?
Does each session have up to 20% of its time allocated towards direct instruction?
Does Each session have 80% or more allocated towards active practice and/or hands-on work?
Does each session offer modifiers to ensure everyone is both able to participate and to be challenged?
Does each session end with a finished individual or community product?
Do you have a sample lesson plan prepared for one of your sessions?
Does the lesson plan demonstrate the program’s relevance to Spark Central’s mission?
Does the lesson plan explain or show how participants will grow in the characteristics outlined in “PURPOSE” in the Project Scope?
Can you commit to leading the program you have proposed for all six sessions?
Have you included a supplies list with anticipated market prices?
Do you have up to three character references that can speak to your ability to work with children? (OPTIONAL)

RFP & Project Timelines

The Request for Proposal timeline is as follows:

Request for Proposal Issuance 06/01/2021
Deadline for Proposal Submissions 11:59 pm PST, 06/30/2021
Selection of Top Applicants / Notification to other applicants 07/15/2021
Final Applicant Selection 07/30/2021

Evaluation Factors

Spark Central will rate proposals based on the following factors:

  1. Responsiveness to the requirements in this Request for Proposal (see Project Scope)

  2. Samples of work.

  3. Residency and Socio-economic identification

Spark Central reserves the right to award the applicant that presents the best value to Spark Central as determined solely by Spark Central in its absolute discretion.


Deseure DeBerry. Deseure@Spark-Central.Org. 509-868-0656