3-D printing is all the rage, but how does it actually work? Where can the public access 3-D printers? The team at SpokaneCREATE will walk you through the basics of 3-D design and printing, showing you the possibilities and how to take your idea to physical form. SpokaneCREATE has built a 3-D printer from scratch, and is excited to show you how the process works. Register online.
Arthur Bearden is a technology contractor with over twelve years in industry. The majority of his day job revolves around developing internet based software solutions, but at night he moves into the physical world with electronics, CNC machines, and other hands-on projects. When not elbow-deep in technology he enjoys the outdoors through camping, hiking, and off-roading, as well as geekier pursuits including tabletop gaming, video games, and reading fantasy/sci-fi.
Superpower: Visualizing the solution
Kryptonite: Boredom
Nathan Cutler is a software engineer by day…and still a software engineer by night. In addition, he is a co-founder and actively involved in Spokane CREATE!, Spokane’s makerspace. Nathan holds degrees in electrical engineering, precision machining technology, and applied developmental psychology. He’s not sure what he’s going to do with all that when (if) he grows up…artificial intelligence robots, perhaps? When he’s not behind a computer he enjoys hiking and camping with his beautiful wife and very active son (soon to be two active sons).
Superpower: Not afraid to fail
Kryptonite: Unfinished projects
Adam Huson is an electrical engineer specializing in ASIC design and hardware architecture. He holds degrees from EWU in electrical and mechanical engineering, and minors in physics and math. When he's not debugging the latest prototype system at work, he's busy working on house projects or studying for his master's degree in computer engineering. Adam also is very active in the FIRST Robotics program, and is assistant coach for an area team where he is able to exercise his passion for teaching to help students with welding, electronics, programming, parametric modeling, and leadership. Other hobbies include animation, video special effects, and graphic design.
Superpower: Finding root cause of a problem.
Kryptonite: Taking time to sleep.