Writers in the Community Workshop
THURSDAY, APRIL 11 · 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Adults · This event is part of the 2024 Get Lit festival! Join us to participate in a hands-on writing workshop celebrating EWU's Writers in the Community and the important work they do in our region. WITC is a non-profit practicum housed within Eastern Washington University’s Master of Fine Arts program.
During the academic year, MFA students volunteer as creative writing teachers in placements as varied as hospitals, correctional facilities, halfway houses, community non-profits, and public, private, or alternative schools, as well as other locations through the Spokane area. Work is collected throughout the year from all placements and published in an annual anthology titled InRoads which celebrates the students’ and community members’ writing and creativity. Come learn more about the positive impact WITC has had on our community for decades, and spend some time creating your own work with help from Eastern’s MFA students!
This is a free program in partnership with Get Lit!, Writers In the Community, and EWU’s MFA program.