The Business of Writing: Submission + Publication
Distinguish your authorship from the rest! Spend 3 hours with Spokane author and teacher, Samuel Ligon, as he walks you through the best practices of book vs. journal submission and publication processes. Learn how to optimize your approach towards contests, query letters, agents, writing markets, and editorial relationships.
About the Teacher | Samuel Ligon is the author of two novels: Among the Dead and Dreaming and Safe in Heaven Dead, and two collections of stories: Wonderland, illustrated by Stephen Knezovich, and Drift and Swerve. He edits the journal Willow Springs, teaches at Eastern Washington University in Spokane, and is the artistic director of the Port Townsend Writers Conference.
ABOUT THE ARTIST TRUST | provides Washington State artists of all creative disciplines the necessary support to launch and sustain successful careers, through financial grants, career training and professional resources. Artist Trust raises funds from a variety of sources in order to give financial grants, through a peer review process, to individual artists working across disciplines, and as a professional information resource. Through its programs, Artist Trust provides recognition and support for the contributions artists make to the lives of people of Washington State and encourages artists to support one other.