Become a Level Up Mentor


Level Up is an after-school program where youth create their future with the support of mentors in a playful, creative community. Participating youth set their own goals for the program and engage with consistent mentors for social-emotional growth and the pursuit of creative aspirations.

Level Up volunteers are known as Mentors and work with a consistent group of 2-3 elementary school students at our Level Up programs. You'll hang out and support students as they work on projects like writing a newspaper article or creating a legend. You don't need to be an expert to be a mentor! However, we welcome our Mentors to add their passions and wisdom to the program.

volunteer at audubon
Tuesdays & Thursdays

volunteer at holmes
Wednesdays & Fridays

Fall theme: The newspaper club produces a student-led newspaper published twice per year. Mentors support students as they investigate topics of their choosing and contribute works ranging from opinion polls, short comics, stories, interviews, and more. Mentors of all backgrounds are invited to support students through the production process. Will you join our press room and help us uncover this year’s biggest scoops?

Winter theme: Visual arts! Youth become storytellers, creating characters, worlds, and storylines, and bringing them to life through comics, animation, and other forms of self-expression. Mentors use their powers of listening, ideation, and imagination to support students through their creative processes (such as developing the characters’ backgrounds, drawing them out, or writing up details about their world). Will you join us in our journey to bring these youths’ imaginations to life?

Spring theme: Summer preview! What’s happening around town? Stay tuned for more details.

Time Commitment

Mentors are expected at either cohort from at least 3-5 PM and can choose to volunteer between Tuesdays & Thursdays or Wednesdays & Fridays each week. Two days with either (or each!) cohort is preferred. If you can only do one day a week, we could still use your help!

These programs run from October to June.

A consistent presence is important to build relationships with the kids, but we understand if things come up occasionally!